'The Flash' Review: "Subject 9"
The focal point of the episode is Izzy Bowin. As with Ralph and the others DeVoe is after, she received her powers on that same bus incident. It just so happens that, as an aspiring musician, Izzy's powers would indeed be sound-based.
Her ability is that to control sound waves and fashion them as weapons. Barry and Ralph experience her power first-hand on their initial attempts to bring her into the fold. Used to being on her own, Izzy is strong-willed, fearless, and focused on making it big.
As a character, Izzy works. Miranda MacDougall does a wonderful job bringing Izzy's fire to life. While she initially seems to be the tough talking (and can back it up) person that's used to hard times, we also get to see a more vulnerable side of her that brings out the same in Ralph. The pair-bonded by their own personal heartbreaks click, and not in that overt "we are trying to make you care about this new character" way. It's natural, with a definitely rocky start. But, as Izzy works her way into the fold and starts her training with Team Flash, Ralph is the one there to give Izzy the perspective and encouragement she needs.
5th March 2018